Me…and how it all began

So I will go into my entire business blurb below but first I will tell you a little about me.  My name is Rose…go figure ;o)  I live in Upstate, NY and I have lived here for about 15 years now.  I am original from Pittsburgh and moved to the area to attend school and RIT in Rochester.  I work in the field of Microscopy by day and the world of jewelry by night with my dog Taylor by my side.  I decided to dive into the world of jewelry after attending my first metal jewelry class at the local art center.  From there I taught myself how to set stones, etch metals, and enamel and as my skills grow I hope to join a community of artists where I can learn so much more, expand my horizons, and find some inspiration.

{Rose Metals is proud to offer uniquely artistic, completely handmade, etched metal jewelry from a range of materials that includes nickel, copper, brass, and sterling silver. Each piece is hand cut to the desired shape from a full metal sheet then filed and sanded to a smooth finish. An individual design is then transferred to the metal and the piece is placed in etching solution. When the etching process is complete the piece is removed from the solution and rinsed, then polished to a high shine. It is then ready to be embellished if desired or packaged for shipment.
From metal sheet to finished product the creation of each piece can take as long as 5 days. We hope that each piece reflects not only that investment of time, but also our passion, dedication, and commitment to quality. We hope you enjoy wearing our jewelry as much as we enjoyed making it…}


  1. Amazed at your work. I just wish there were classes offered in Alabama like the one you attended. Keep the art alive!
    Thanks & Roll Tide!

  2. Hi I just discovered your beautiful Blog and I love your work ! You are creating wonderful jewelry, my name is Carolina and I am an Artist Designer I create unique wired Jewelry inspired by nature and I have an Etsy Shop too! I express my creativity in many other ways beside my jewelry Design if you visit my Blog you will see some of my work I love to paint with watercolors, photography, Digital Art and sometimes writing poems…I am glad I found you here on WP I will Follow and stay connected it would be great if you do the same…have a wonderful day! 🙂

    1. Hi Carolina, thank you so much for the kind words. I just love being in the studio and wish I could do it till time. I look forward to seeing your work! I shall follow for sure. Thank you so much! Rose

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